Family Centers Inc. - Staying Safe During Home Visits

Note: This course is in English. Spanish and English subtitles are available and are embedded in the course/video controls.

Thousands of home visits are performed every year by Head Start and Early Head Start programs, teachers, family therapists, Child Protective Services, and many other government and licensing organizations. Most agencies enter the privacy of a family’s residence without any type of training on how to conduct a safe visit. The Institute for Childhood Preparedness has developed a course which addresses specific concepts that every family and childcare professional needs to know to make visits as safe as possible.

This course will cover basic concepts for pre-planning the visit, arriving safely, conducting the visit, departing the area, and after the visit activities, including checklists for staying safe. This course teaches the warning signs of domestic abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, and aggressive behavior. The attendees will learn techniques to keep everyone safe during a home visit.

Included in this course is a resource booklet - which includes reference material, checklists, tips, reminders and resources.

Course Objectives

  • Name the steps needed when planning your visit.
  • Describe how to safely arrive at your visit.
  • Identify what red flags you should look for while at the visit.
  • Name three things that would indicate drug use in the home.
  • Identify how you would safely leave the area and what would you do if you were followed. Identify the types of observations and concerns you should bring to your supervisors attention

Your Instructor

Ronald Roszak
Ronald Roszak

Ronald serves as the senior safety advisor for the Institute for Childhood Preparedness. Previously, Ron has served as a subject matter emergency preparedness expert for Child Care Aware® of America, supporting their Emergency Preparedness Team. Ronald has over 20 years of distinguished service as a law enforcement professional, including experience as a patrol officer, tactical unit supervisor, watch commander, detective and community outreach officer. Ronald has a long history of conducting community outreach and training and was one of the first community educators for the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program. He has received specialized instructor training from the Los Angeles Police Department, is a graduate of Marquette University, and is certified as an active shooter instructor from the ALICE Training Institute, which specializes in active shooter trainings for civilians.

Ronald’s experience also includes conducting corporate investigations, including fraud detection and prevention and private security for Fortune 500 companies. In recognition for his outstanding service, Ronald has been awarded Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.

This course is closed for enrollment.