Protecting Children: Food Allergy Awareness with Ally Martin

As of 2020, roughly 8% of all children had food allergies, compared to 4% of children in 2007. This statistic relays how food allergies are on the rise, stressing the importance of proper preparedness when faced with a child having an allergic reaction to food. Allergy awareness and preparedness for parents, caregivers, and early childhood professionals is needed to maintain a safe environment for the children. This course is designed to detail the signs and symptoms of food-related allergic reactions, highlighting symptoms ranging from mild to anaphylaxis. However, this course also details the necessary steps needed during and after a reaction, including preventing cross-contamination and reducing the risk of the child encountering the allergen again. Overall, this course emphasizes the components of an allergic reaction: signs, symptoms, treatment, and allergy- related accommodations. Follow Ally on her journey to protect children at her Instagram Page!

Learning Goals and Objectives

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction
  • Describe when an epinephrine pen needs to be used
  • Discuss the necessity for designated allergy-friendly snack and lunch tables
  • Identify proper sanitation techniques to prevent any cross-contamination
  • Discuss common conversations that need to take place between childcare providers and parents of children with food allergies

Like this course? Schedule an in-person or live online training with the Institute for Childhood Preparedness today!

Your Instructor

Dr. Demi Woods
Dr. Demi Woods

Demi Woods will graduate with her Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree this December. She is specializing in Diagnostic Radiology with a keen interest in Breast Imaging/ Mammography. She has been a part of our team since 2018. During this time, she has planned preparedness trainings, assisted with blog posts, and is contributing greatly to our upcoming book. What makes her a great asset to our team is not only her medical knowledge, but her interest in public health. While Woods has always had an interest in public health, from 2015-2017 she attended numerous public health seminars at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee to further explore the public health crises surrounding her local community. Additionally, she traveled to Puerto Rico with our team in 2018 to work with the local public health sector and Head Start programs within that region. She is currently serving as Senior Medical Researcher, and her extreme interest in public health and background in medicine will allow Woods to be an integral part of our team.

Course Curriculum

  Food Allergy Awareness
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